Places Sensed
Senses Placed

Just as one can be moved by paintings or music, place and space can also have an absorbing effect. This work revolves around the idea that there is a connection between where we are and who we are, with spatial perception and our innate desire to make sense of a place being the emotional core of the following photographs.
Through capturing a fragmentary look on the city of London combined with the human figure, I seek to bridge the gap between space, object and body.

I am interested in what the world is constructed of: how shapes and dimensions affect what we see and how time manifests itself in a material.
Within the architectural details the lack of the relation to human beings creates an almost inanimate atmosphere. My motifs all revolve around the built environment and how we move through it. However, my focus does not lie on architectural highlights, but on exploring the connective tissue of the materials itself as well as the space between the space that is empty.